godsfingers – Watchman on the Wall

Spiritual musings, prophetics, lessons, music, etc…by Pastor Dan Long


Is Donald Trump the next Schindler

Is Donald Trump the next Oskar Schindler? Good question. Liberal pundits have long tried to tie him to the KKK, white supremacists, any number of hate groups, but all their efforts fall flat. You can’t be a KKK and love Israel. You can’t be a white supremacist and love Israel. They’ve even tried to make him antisemitic, AHEM! You can’t be a part of any of those groups liberals have tried to tie him to while at the same time loving the most hated people group in the world. Maybe with liberal fuzzy math.

Donald trump has officially recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital city, something no American president has done, he is even in the the process of having the embassy moved there, as so ordered by congress in 1995, yet no American (or unamerican) president has done. And he is in the process of providing the Israeli people the safety they deserve. Yet he is supposed to be……WHAT???

Schindler was a German, so is Trump. Schindler was a businessman, so is Trump. Schindler was a philanderer so was Trump. Schindler had one wife but many women, Trump has had many wives and some women, ok, ya got me there. Schindler was moved, by greed, into a most powerful position to ultimately shield and save Jews, the same is now true for Trump. In Israel’s 70th birthday Trump leads the most powerful nation in the world to give Israel the most support the US has ever given it, unlike 1939, when no doors, including the US would open for Jewish refugees from Germany and so many lost their lives.

This is an exciting time. For the now we will have unfettered access for refugees and Trump will keep that door open for his 4 or 8 years. There isn’t much he can do with the likes of Turkey and such whose sympathies toward Jew and Christian are rapidly waning. But the return of the remnant is happening, as prophesied millennium ago.

Ofttimes God uses the unlikeliest of characters for his purpose. I bring to mind the Persian king Darius who sent the Jews back to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple along with all the articles from the Temple that were stolen buy his predecessors. Yes, God can use anyone or anything, even Trump. Jesus said, even the rocks would cry out.

There are many more things that can happen along the way. President Trump could further reduce funds to the PLO, especially with the recent speech Palestine president Abbas violently threatened Trump and said “damn your money”. Trump could, and should throw away the Iran deal that shady Kerry and Obama pulled.

Is Trump the next Schindler? I would hope so.

Is Donald Trump the next Schindler was originally published on Bridge to Israel Ministries

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President Trump: He Goes Where No Man Has Gone Before

President Trump has gone where no man has gone before, causing trouble, again.  Unlike his predecessors, Trump causes trouble because he has shown the intestinal fortitude to do what should have been done decades ago.  Now the world trembles at the thought that he actually follows through on his promises.  With his recent success with…

President Trump: He Goes Where No Man Has Gone Before was originally published on Bridge to Israel Ministries

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Hitler’s Nazis Never Went Away, They Just Relocated

My special thanks to Jerry Golden for bringing this to our attention. So, when did this     Become this….       Below I’ll have an old video clip that explains some history that we in the states weren’t taught but let’s get some contemporary imagery.  Real life now shows the symbols used by…

Hitler’s Nazis Never Went Away, They Just Relocated was originally published on Bridge to Israel Ministries

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Germany to Allow Palestinian Terrorists to Run for Parliament

So, it begins. Germany has avoided any talk of banning the terrorist group PFLP, aka Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. In fact they will allow it as a political party to field candidates for Parliamentary seats. According the Jerusalem Post “candidates from parties and candidates in Germany cannot be banned or allowed by the Interior Ministry in Germany,”… Continue reading


It’s Friday, But Sunday’s a Comin

it's friday

I know it’s Friday, for many just a day, for others an incredible holy day. A time of sorrow, for some a time of joy. For non-believers a time when history just continued to move on, another rebel on the cross, an insignificant killing by the Romans like so many of the thousands before, hardly noteworthy except by a couple contemporary historians and that only in passing. There are some who argue it wasn’t really Friday, but that’s a different discussion.

A guy hung on a cross, and true as the Chief Priest had hoped, His followers scattered like bugs under a rug.  Continue reading


What are you waiting for?


And the star shone brightly over head, showing the place.

Merry Christmas! And if I missed offending someone, Merry Christmas, peace on earth, goodwill toward men, the Christ has come. There, I said it, expect no apologies. Whether it’s the right day, the left day or somewhere in between. Whether you believe in the God of Abraham or the god of man’s finite and ever-changing wisdom. Whether you’re drunk on eggnog or have drunk the new wine of the Holy Spirit. This is the time and the message of the season and even more the entire year. Nothing black about it.

So what are you waiting for? Continue reading


Spring Changes?

springWell, it’s Spring today. We still have 3 feet of snow, it was 7 degrees and wind blowing when I got up at 4am. Didn’t I just say it’s spring today? I love Wisconsin. Continue reading


Changes In The Air? Don’t Bank On It

Well, there is a new pope. The selection didn’t follow the path of the popeprognosticators, the ethnically black pope didn’t get installed nor did the American good guy. Instead, they’ve installed newness (or oldness, if you will), changes. The new pope is not Italian, not from Europe, not traditional. He takes on a new name for popes, the name Francis as in Francis of Assisi. He’s a Jesuit or “God’s Marine”. Continue reading


The Gig is Up, World!

(AP wirephoto)

Canceling the armistice,  is this unexpected? I’ve been pondering the intentions of North Korea over the last couple weeks and wanted to write but unexpected events took precedence. Am I surprised by this announcement? No.  North Korea has been looking for an excuse to flex it’s muscles while the world has been smirking at the little schmuck. Continue reading


Unholy Alignments!


Meteorite causing over 500 injuries and property damage. (AP)

What a bumpy second month of the year. What got off as a relatively quiet start got pretty rocky in the second month. Earthquakes, political, religious and meteoric events happening all at once, or at least over the next month and a half.

Today we’re supposed to have a close flyby of an asteroid. It’ll be close, but no cigar. No Apocalyptic dash into the ocean as depicted in Revelation 8:10-11, we’re safe. But wait! This morning a meteorite crashed over Russia in an affect like the movie “Deep Impact” roaring across with sonic booms blowing out windows and collapsing buildings. And some fragments fell in the reservoir like the campy Asylum Films movie, ” Apocalypse”  where the water got poisoned. Hmm, better check the water. Could the asteroid take a left turn? Continue reading


Midwest Earthquake, Collision Course With God!

This morning the Solomon Islands were rocked again, this time with a 7.1 magnitude earthquake. What’s an aftershock and an earthquake is getting kind of blurry right now with repeated 6 plus “aftershocks”. Yes, the Pacific Rim is getting very angry or is this a very angry God?

Is the Mid-West next?

It bears repeating. What’s up? The Solomon Islands have been rocking and rolling the last couple days with immense energy after what I’d previously described as a quiet January. Now all bets are off as far as the USGS “normal” activity goes. We’re back at an expectation of what does God have in store for this planet as the end of ages approaches. Continue reading


I’m Not King Obama? You Just Watch Me!

So where are we? There’s going to be an inauguration in a couple days. Apparently not many feel inclined to show up even though more money is going to be spent. He got re-elected but not many seem to excited, go figure. Perhaps it’s this ever growing despotism, perhaps it’s just mid-winter blues.

English: President Barack Obama and Vice Presi...

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden laugh together in the Oval Office, “yep, we got away with that one” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Perhaps it’s the false flag that happened in December, that we’d been predicting. Many are still livid at the suggestion that the Sandy Hook “tragedy” is a hoax, a false flag but the growing evidence, the continuing pining in the press about the need for gun control to avert another tragedy, begins to show otherwise. Hide behind the children like a good terrorist. Obama’s own words point to the need to create something extraordinary, shock the nation. When discussing pushing his agenda,

“The president acknowledged his proposals won’t be easy to pass. “This will be difficult,” he said. “This will not happen unless the American people demand it.”

The new effort to pass gun control legislation was spearheaded by Vice President Joe Biden, who chaired a committee put together by the president in the days following the Dec. 14, Newtown shooting.” ( Foxnews )

And so he created public demand…maybe. Continue reading


10 Days More Before the End of the World?

Well, here we are, ten days to go. I’m all set, made all my preparations, I’m good to go.


More the case….

I talked to all my adult kids, made peace with any issues we had. I took out a $500M loan from a loan shark to ensure my cabin in steerage on one of the arks stowed in the Himalayas, booked my flight to get there. I’m not too worried about the loan shark 🙂 . Harold Camping was old and wise, but the Mayans, they were older and that was a smart group. I’m not worried about the fact they don’t exist anymore, they built that great place.

It amazes me, yet brings me great relief that more people aren’t on board with this. There’s not enough room in the arks as it is. Yet the writing is on the wall, or the stone, if you will. How can people ignore it, it says so, right there. Well, I for one am not about to ignore it. My house is sold, my bags are packed, gave my dog to my friend (the one I didn’t tell about the ark). We have a party planned the day before I leave for my (ahem..) Peace Corps trip (didn’t want to cause any consternation) so I don’t leave behind any food perishables. It’s good, I’m set, looking forward to the wonderful world that will be after the water subsides…….

Ya right! I got a bridge to sell ya, too. Continue reading


Palestinian State, Prophecy in Motion?

Well, now you’ve done it. In front of God and the universe. The world has given full support of the terrorists and thumbed it’s nose at the US and Israel.


The crowd roars in jubilation at the vote.

The only no votes were from the US, Canada and a couple of really low tier countries. The world agenda is really starting to take shape. The problem in all this is, why all this hype and hoopla now? Why is statehood important now? They SHOULD BE celebrating their 65th year of statehood.


Map of 1947 UN “Partition Plan.” (source: BBC)

Let’s look at a little history: Continue reading


Citizens in a Foreign Land

Well, it’s here the Eleventh Hour. In the United States of America it seems a do or die time, a time where your single vote will form the basis for the future of the US and ultimately the world. What an awe-inspiring thought. Over the last four years it has seemed to be an ever-increasing prison state in the US and, according to some, we have the chance to change that, again, according to some.


“Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

One candidate, in spite of lies and cover up, has been quite transparent as to where he is going. The other is less certain. He seems to throw out Red Herrings to acquiesce the masses that go by the name of christian. But an analysis of the candidates indicates the only choice is a vote for the lesser of two evils. Continue reading