godsfingers – Watchman on the Wall

Spiritual musings, prophetics, lessons, music, etc…by Pastor Dan Long

Welcome to the church of ungod

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It’s been awhile since this post and I centered on Saddleback church, but we really should throw in Willow Creek church with Bill Hybels, Andy Stanley od North Point church are leading the charge of removing the Word of God, that’s offensive, to make their churches more “comfortable for “everyone”.

godsfingers - Watchman on the Wall

Well it’s coming, and come. The church of ungod. un-crossYesterday was an advent, a coming out party for the atheists who actually coveted what, at minimum, the pseudo christians had, and created their own church. I’d mentioned years ago, when I lived in the shadow of the FFR (freedom from religion) headquarters, that atheism is just a religion without God. They had their annual meetings with songs and preaching and someone there actually said, “it seems like church”.

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Author: godsfingers

I'm a musician and worship leader, intent on following wherever God leads and directs me, with His leading's in the Spirit and others bonking me on the head ( hopefully not much of the latter). My life experiences are in blue collar and white collar (engineering) employment, political office, lay ministries, national competition in track and cross country and most importantly marriage and raising a family. God has given me a unique set of skills and character to serve Him and a passion for doing it.

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