godsfingers – Watchman on the Wall

Spiritual musings, prophetics, lessons, music, etc…by Pastor Dan Long

Why Do You Sleep? I am Cleaving This Nation.


This word came this morning as I was in prayer.

Why do you sleep? Like a sluggard, a little folding of the hands, a closing of the eyes. You dream of what you will do, you dream of what will make you great. Why do you sleep? I’ve sounded trumpets. I’ve shaken the grounds. I’ve sent winds and scorching heat. Yet still you sleep. You dream of the great things you can build for me, yet they have your name on them. You build yourself up.

I am about to cleave this nation, the world will shudder. While you sleep I will split the land in two. The very heart of this land will be brought asunder. In your very heart I will render the earth apart and you who are not prepared will fall. I will tear you in two and your works will fail. Men will see that I am sovereign and just.

I have a few, and their hearts are prepared. They will rise up and minister to you. You will know that I am God and nothing, nothing, nothing I do will return void.


God is sovereign and just. He has been speaking loudly to return to His purpose, not ours. It takes a truly blind man not to see the trouble this country, and even worse the church, is in. Even my church, an AoG, supposedly Spirit filled assembly turns a blind eye to what God is doing. Earlier this month a nation wide Call to Fall went out for, corporately, the church to fall on their knees and pray. In my church the pastor has been preaching on building a Rick Warren type church(see author’s note below), but at Sue’s insistence did, that Sunday, spend a whole 15 minutes “in prayer”. Then it was back to preaching on building the Rick Warren type church. Sleeping? Yes.

In cleaving this nation I believe it is both figuratively and physically. I believe the time is quite soon that He is going to send an earthquake to the very heartland of America. Will it be New Madrid? Maybe, but I don’t think so. David Wilkerson was given a vision of an huge earthquake in an unexpected place. New Madrid is expected. I remember reading about a rather substantial fault or earthquake zone that runs up the Mississippi through Minnesota and around Superior. Could this be the zone, or the heart? Could it set off, then, a subsequent New Madrid earthquake that would, in effect, render this country in two? I would love to have a direct word saying so, or no.

The direct word that we do have is to “wake up”. Like the church of Sardis, this country is in a spiritual sleep, having happy, waking dreams while the enemy encamps around to take possession. This is the wake up call. Return to Christ, purify yourselves from the effects of the world. God is calling you for His work. Those who read this, who God is speaking to, who have not come to the fullness of His Grace, if your heart is burning inside and your conscience is telling you, it’s time, take this time, now, to give yourself to Him who loves you more than the world. Do it now…

Note: The Pastor has reassured that they want nothing to do with Rick Warren and his Chrislam push. I am relieved at that.

Author: godsfingers

I'm a musician and worship leader, intent on following wherever God leads and directs me, with His leading's in the Spirit and others bonking me on the head ( hopefully not much of the latter). My life experiences are in blue collar and white collar (engineering) employment, political office, lay ministries, national competition in track and cross country and most importantly marriage and raising a family. God has given me a unique set of skills and character to serve Him and a passion for doing it.

27 thoughts on “Why Do You Sleep? I am Cleaving This Nation.

  1. Repent of your doubt against this word of God. I belived in New Madrid Fault will spilt in half in the near future. Planet X or Nibru will come to cause megaquakes and megatsunamis. After you repent the unbelief of this warning of God Almighty, get ready for the judgements of God.

  2. Meanwhile, God is raising up more nations to send against us.

    And a messenger has been sent among the nations, saying,“Arise, and let us rise up against her for battle”):
    “Behold, I will make you small among the nations;You shall be greatly despised.
    The pride of your heart has deceived you,You who dwell in the clefts of the rock,Whose habitation is high;
    You who say in your heart, ‘Who will bring me down to the ground?’
    Though you ascend as high as the eagle,And though you set your nest among the stars,
    From there I will bring you down,” says the Lord.

  3. Dear Dan & Sue, I also feel that we are running out of warnings. I keep praying that more will awaken to the call of our Lord, but I also get the message that time is short & know and trust that God is in control always. I have searched here in SE WI for over 3 years for any church that teaches only God’s word to no avail. However, my relationship with our Creator is the best & strongest thing in my life! I thank the Holy Spirit for guiding me to your site and will continue to do His will until i’m called home.

  4. Pingback: Why Do You Sleep? I AM ….. Cleaving This Nation – Prophetic « 1blueraven

  5. Dear Dan,
    Please, please read my post from yesterday. When I read that your church is promoting Rick Warren, I just had to say something to you. Please come out of the ‘church’. Rick Warren is promoting chrislam a mixture of christianity and islam. At the core of islam is goddess worship (I could send you some info on that if you like). Please take it from me, I grew up roman catholic and have gone to many, many different denominations and studied their doctrines. Please. It will be hard, but FATHER will bless you. Please read my post, I am sure it will encourage you! Time is so short! I am confident as you that our nation will undergo severe judgement and that the false Babylonian church’s time is OVER.
    Peace and blessings to you and your family,

    • Thanks Deirdre,

      Actually, God is preparing us to move as our ministry at this church rounds out. We believe He is actually picking us up and moving us across the state to start or be involved in a new ministry. Of course He doesn’t give me the full details because of my propensity to run ahead of Him and screw up ;-)..

    • Dear Deidre,
      You. misunderstood what I wrote. I have not. been a member of ANY church for 25+ years so I don’t know what you are talking about. I am a daily reading Bible believing non-denominational Christian. I am well aware of rick warren’s blasphemy & have never had anything to do with him or his church of lies and never will.

  6. Great word. We should always meditate and change ourselves.
    “Even among those who meditate, that man or worman that worships me in perfect faith, completely ABSORBED in me, is the most perfectly established in Yoga.” Lord Krishna, Baghavad Gita.
    (Easier said than done, eh?) That is why we need the Light of Consciousness, or the Holy Spirit.

    • You missed the message then. There is no Lord Krishna, Baghavad Gita or Light of Consciousness, except that which is promoted by God’s hater. This is the deceit and falling away that God is judging. If you are embracing that or the teachings of the emerging churches such as Saddleback or Willow Creek, then this is the warning for you and you are part of the judgment coming.

      I don’t usually post links and I don’t necessarily endorse this woman but she does speak clearly on the false teachings currently out there leading many astray.

  7. Dan, to the best of my knowledge Randy is not promoting Rick Warren or any of his weird Islam/Christian mixture bunk nor would he ever. Randy preaches the Word of God and I watch him prepare through prayer and study of God’s Word every single week. We do not want to be asleep in these very dark days–we want to be wide awake trying to do what we feel God wants. I know it doesn’t meet up to your expectations but we are trying. Perhaps you could pray for us and CrossPoint instead of criticizing us in your blog. That hurts. I appreciate your prophetic heart and your insights, but please don’t talk down other sincere believers in your fervor.

    Deb Mantik

  8. Those who practice lawlessness are those who who say that keep the commandments but are liars because they don’t keep the 4th commandment-the 7th day Sabbath instead they follow the whore of Babylon and her Sunday along with her pagan holidays. I follow the true Messiah and his true holy feasts days which the Father commanded his statutes and judgments which explain in detail what are his 10 commandments! Men have been worshipping what they know not and breaking the His true Sabbath!

    • Then you would follow the Messiah who broke the Sabbath to heal and minister to the sick and lame. The Messiah was very clear about traditions and He came and fulfilled the Covenant. He then let us know that He is the New Covenant and only through Him can you approach the Father. The Messiah gave only two commandments to follow, “37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’[b] 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[c] 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” “

  9. Those who practice lawlessness are those who say they keep the commandments but lie instead they keep the commandments of the whore of Babylon by keeping Sunday instead of keeping the true 7th day Sabbath. YHWH says he change not but yet man changes His law by keeping a false day. They know not what they worship! They also follow Babylon system by worshipping her pagan feasts when our Messiah was not born in December! And new year doesn’t start in January! Nor Messiah died on Easter! Man don’t even keep the true Feasts Days if you did you would know when things will really happen on which feasts days!

    • “And new year doesn’t start in January! Nor Messiah died on Easter! Man don’t even keep the true Feasts Days if you did you would know when things will really happen on which feasts days!”

      You really are caught up in this aren’t you? Actually Easter occurs the first Sunday after the Paschal moon ( the passover moon) which is more or less the third day after the Messiah died, celebrating the day He rose ( not died, as far as I know only Satan celebrates the day He died, you’re not Satan are you?)

      You folks even accuse the sunrise service as celebrating the sun god of the east. Sorry, but according to the Bible the women went to the tomb while it was still dark and then after a while saw the angels and Mary saw Jesus. It’s a simple tradition of waiting for Jesus at sunrise. Again, it’s a tradition, not unlike the traditions you insist on. No Babylon, no whoring, no particular error. But you, seem to be rife with error.

    • Dear e4m7,
      The New Testament teaches there is no designated “day of worship”, Paul said in Colossians 2:16-17 “Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religious festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. These are a shadow of the things that were to come; the reality, however, is found in Christ.”

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